Local News by professionals:
Press Herald reports (that's what they do) about the State Theater. Is it actually going to re-open?!?
Channel 6 can't tell us whether the Pirates are moving to Albany or not. The civic center needs replacing, but even if the Pirates leave there is a good shot at getting another AHL or ECHL or Quebec Major Junior team in there.
In 1876 B&M baked beans were the first baked beans to be sold in cans. The Burnham & Morill Company canned baked beans for use by fishermen who worked their fishing fleet out of Portland, Maine.
This first photo is several months old, notice the sign is up. Apparently it was removed over the summer and was supposed to be replaced.
From this week... still no sign!
"Located near Portland's waterfront, the U.S. Custom House is a testament to the city's maritime history. It was built to accommodate the city's growing customs business, which, by 1866, was collecting $900,000 annually in customs duties - making Portland one of the most significant seaports in the country."
Other news:
I'm sure everyone has seen the new pressherald.com by now. According to the Press Herald, the new site has received "...almost 100 percent positive feedback." I wonder what the actual percent of positive feedback is? Sounds like biased reporting. (I think the site is a great improvement).
Update - Check out the comments to this post for some reader reviews!